Разделяме детайлите за 3D принтиране на две основни групи:

  • Обикновени прототипи – предназначени са за визуална проверка на дизайна, конструкцията,  на идеен проект и подобни. Целта е да се онагледи дизайна и да се внесат евентуални корекции при необходимост. При изработката им се стремим да постигнем минимална цена.
  • Работни детайли – трябва да работят при съответните условия. Това са работни прототипи (т.н. „нулеви серии“), единични или малки серии детайли, кутии или корпуси от пластмаса и други подобни.

За да могат работните  детайли да изпълнят предназначението си, материалът за изработката им трябва да отговаря на определени изисквания, посочени от клиента. Използваме основно следните материали за работни детайли:

ABS – това е най-масово използваният материал. Характеризира се с добри механични характеристики и е устойчив на износване. Крехък е (лесно се чупи) и не е устойчив на разтворители, съдържащи ацетон. При изтиване може да се деформира и за това не е подходящ за детайли с големи размери.Допълнителна информация за материала можете да намерите по-долу:

PETG – по-нов материал, който замества ABS.

По-еластичен е от ABS, което го прави по-малко крехък. Химически устойчив е на различни разтворители и това го прави подходящ за ползване в агресивна среда или хранителната промишленост.

Допълнителна информация за материала можете да намерите по-долу:

PETG + Carbon Fiber – подсилен с карбонови частици PETG. Има подобрени механични характеристики.

ABS Filament

ABS filament is a strong and versatile . This the perfect material when you are creating a 3D project that needs to be durable.

Are you looking for a durable and flexible material for your next 3D printing project? Having a difficult time what material to get?

ABS filament could be the best choice. This material helps you produce durable outputs. If this is the quality you want then you’ve got to get an ABS filament.

What is ABS 3D Printer Filament?

What is ABS Filament? I often hear this question to those who are new to 3D printing. If you are asking the same question, you will find answer in this section.

ABS is the acronym for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. This  filament is strong and heat-resistant. It is usually used for injection molding. This material is also used for making sports equipment, instruments, and the famous Lego.

ABS filaments are available in different colors and sizes. There are 3mm abs filament and 1.75 abs filament. There are also clear abs filament and transparent abs filament. It also has great options for post-processing.

You can explore different projects using this material because of the wide variety. It is high-quality, is available in different color and is strong and durable.

ABS and PLA are the most popular type of thermoplastic. For this reason, they are often compared against each other. If you want to know more about the differences of these two materials, you can check this abs vs pla filament page.

PETG Filament Complete Guide | Durability, Flexibility and Reliability

PETG filaments offer ABS’ durability and PLA’s flexibility making it one of the 3D printers’ top choice every time they print.

Do you need a flexible and durable 3D filament for your next project? Do you wish to use one that offers the best of what PLA and ABS offer?

If you say “yes” to any of the questions above, you will probably love PETG! This 3D print filament has great potential because it is durable, flexible and reliable.

What is PETG Filament?

PETG print filament is similar to PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) but with enhanced properties due to the addition of glycol (PET+G = PETG or polyethylene terephthalate glycol modified).

It is as easy to use as PLA, as durable as ABS, as flexible as PET but with minimal shrinkage and warping, which makes it not just good but a great 3D printing material for durable and flexible objects.

PETT (Polyethylene terephthalate) is another variant of PET. It is slightly more rigid than PETG and is popular for being transparent.

PETG 3D Print Filament Uses

PETG is commonly used in water, juice and soft drink bottles, and cooking oil containers thanks to its easy transforming and chemical resistance properties. Since this material is FDA-approved, it’s also used in food storage containers and intricate kitchenware designs.

It is also popular across the medical field because its rigid structure helps survive harsh sterilization processes making it the perfect choice for medical implants, and pharmaceutical and medical device packaging.

In addition, it is an excellent material for modern 3D printers. It provides easy plastic printing without compromising its overall strength and rigidity once the plastic is allowed to harden.

It is also the no. 1 choice for point-of-sale stands. It is easy to manufacture in a wide range of shapes and colors, so businesses opt for it when they print signages that attract customers. In addition, it is easy to customize and very affordable.

PETG is worth considering if you want to print a project that needs to be tough, durable, flexible, and impact-resistant. This is also ideal for use in the production of a wide array of mechanical parts.

PETG Filament Benefits

PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol modified) is a viable and attractive alternative to ABS and PLA. Here are some of its advantages.

  • Excellent layer adhesion
  • Warp resistance
  • Reduced shrinkage
  • High density
  • High water resistant
  • High temperature resistant
  • Chemical resistance to both acidic and alkali compounds
  • Flexible printing on glass, acrylic, glass, blue tape, and polyimide tape
  • Odorless during printing


One of the most impressive properties of PETG is being recyclable. Compared to others, it can be used as a gas barrier due to its chemical resistance. For 3D printers who are pro-environment, this supports your cause.

Food Safe

This material is considered FDA-approved, so yes, it is “food safe.” However, it’s the 3D printing process that ruins it’s safety credibility because it’s difficult to clean all those little layers trap. It’s best if you still use a food-safe coating spray for your parts.

Combined Functionality

PETG combines PLA’s reliability and ABS’ durability. So, if you want to 3D print a reliable and durable item, use this material.